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Sabbaticals and Professional Development Leaves

This memo covers the CLAS process for the award of Professional Development Leaves (PDL).

Sabbatical Leave procedures are covered in another document and are not covered here.

Please note that with the new collective bargaining agreement, the PDL program has changed.

Previous procedures and policies do not necessarily apply, so please read the attached memo from Associate Provost Kwolek-Folland carefully. Detailed guidelines should also be consulted at the Office of the Provost website.

The present memo is only to provide guidance for CLAS and does not supersede the process as described in the CBA, the above guidelines, and the Provost’s memo.


The CLAS faculty will elect the members of the Selection Committee for Faculty Professional Development Leaves.

When the election is completed, a notice will be sent to all faculty. The charge of the committee is to evaluate PDL applications and to recommend awards to the Dean. Professional development assignments normally are one semester in length, but individuals may propose alternative approaches (a summer stipend, support for other professional development activities that do not fit a standard semester schedule, internship support, etc.).

Regarding the review and assessment of proposed PDLs, as stated in the Provost office memo, Proposed PDL projects should be relevant to the instructional and research missions of the applicant’s unit. In reviewing the applications, consideration should be given to the following:

  1. Whether the proposal advances the abilities of the faculty member to contribute significantly to the distinction and success of the University.
  2. Whether the proposed project is appropriate to meet the stated goals of the PDL to enhance the faculty member’s research, creative activities, teaching skills, and/or professional development.


  • Full-time non-tenure track faculty members with at least 6 years of full-time service at UF who have not taken a PDL within the last 6 years are eligible for PDL. Lists of eligible faculty have been provided to chairs.

If an error is suspected, please let me know.


Each applicant must submit a completed application form, which can be found at:

The applicant must supply ALL requested information on the form and must sign and date the statement that the applicant agrees to comply with the conditions of the PDL program. In addition, the applicant must attach to the application form a 750 word (maximum) statement describing the planned activities while on PDL, specific results anticipated from the leave, and any anticipated supplementary income.

Only one form should be submitted. Please note that the faculty member must indicate that PDL is being requested on the application by checking the appropriate entry. The application must be accompanied by a recommendation from the department chair on whether or not the University should award a proposed PDL.


CLAS offers 5 one-semester PDLs at full pay (or a mutually acceptable alternative) for 2014-2015.

The Dean will notify applicants about award decisions by January 15.


A faculty member who is awarded a PDL must notify the Chair and the Dean by January 31 whether he or she accepts or declines the award.

The faculty member must return to the University for at least one (1) academic year following the completed PDL.


Once the leave is completed (normally at the end of a Fall or Spring semester), a report of the leave activities must be submitted to the recipient’s department chair within 30 days with a copy to the Dean. This report should include information about the leave activities, including the accomplishments and the research or other scholarly or creative works produced, or expected to be produced, as a result of the leave. Accruing eligibility for a future PDL will not begin until an appropriate report has been submitted.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a tenured faculty member and had a sabbatical in the last six years (counting the current year). Can I apply for any kind of 2014-15 sabbatical this year, including alternative sabbaticals?

A. No. To be eligible to receive any type of sabbatical six years of service must pass since the previous sabbatical. Alternative sabbaticals have the same eligibility requirement.

But I read that one can apply for an alternative sabbatical after three years?

A. That applies only after you have received the first alternative sabbatical. Eligibility to apply for 2014-15 follows the six year rule.

I have not had a sabbatical in the last six years, but I did have an FEO last year. Am I eligible to apply for an alternative sabbatical for 2014-15?

A. Yes. Past FEO awards do not have any effect on eligibility for regular or alternative sabbaticals.

Can CLAS faculty apply for FEO awards, too?

A. No.

If I get an alternative sabbatical award for 2014-15, does that reset the six year clock for traditional sabbaticalleaves (one/two semester full pay)?

A. Yes, you would need to wait for six years before receiving a traditional sabbatical, although after three years you could receive an alternative sabbatical, if awarded.

Can I apply for multiple types of sabbatical in any one year?

A. No. You are allowed to check only one type of sabbatical on the application form, and only one form submission is allowed. Note that in the past multiple categories could be checked, but that is no longer true.

Can I apply for a half-pay sabbatical? Will I be offered one automatically if I am not awarded a traditional or alternative sabbatical?

A. No. Half-pay sabbaticals are no longer an option. If you are interested in a temporary reduced FTE appointment, it can be requested outside of the sabbatical/PDL process.

What if I am awarded a one semester full pay sabbatical for Fall 2014 but decide it would be better to take it in the Spring 15 semester? Will that be possible?

A. Yes, with the approval of your chair and the dean.

Will the semester I request for a one semester sabbatical have any effect on the review of my application?

A. No.

Is it possible to take a 2-semester sabbatical starting in the Spring semester 2015 and conclude it at the end of Fall semester 2015? How about other alternative schedules?

A. Yes, with approval of the University a sabbatical may have a different schedule than the traditional one or two semester leave during a single academic year. Included options are sabbaticals spread over two academic years or a sabbatical at half pay.

What is the allowable budget period for an alternative sabbatical? How soon can I start?

A. The begin date for the alternative sabbatical must be no earlier than May 16, 2014, and the end date must be no later than May 15, 2015, for sabbaticals in the 2014-15 academic year. These dates are the beginning of the summer semester and the end of the spring semester, respectively.

Can I postpone a sabbatical?

A. A sabbatical may be postponed for a semester or a year, either at the request of the faculty member or by the University. The period of postponement shall be credited for eligibility for a subsequent sabbatical. The CBA article can be consulted for more details.

Q. I am a non-tenure track faculty member whose salary is paid by a grant or other non-state funds. Can I take a PDL? Will the college pay my salary during that time?

A. Yes, you are eligible to apply for a PDL. The funding source that pays your salary must allow such and the faculty member must meet all other eligibility requirements. Regarding the second question, no, your salary during the PDL must be paid from your normal salary source, as the college will not cover it.